Search Engine Submission Service
Get your website discovered quicker by Leading search engine such as Google, Yahoo
, Altavista and much more. Don't wait for the search engine to find you.Have your
website submitted to 95 % of the search engine in the world. We generate an XML
sitemap for you and submission to the internet directory (DMOZ).
Your website will be manually submitted to Google, Yahoo and MSN, which accounts
for 95% of the world's searches. An XML sitemap will be created for your website,
which allows search engines to efficiently spider all pages in your website. Our
unique submission to the internets oldest web directory, DMOZ*, will boost your
link popularity and help you to appear in even more search engines such as AOL Search,
AltaVista, HotBot, Lycos, and Netscape Search.
The listing to the DMOZ will not be guaranteed.Depending on factors such as the
volume of submissions to the particular category, it may take several weeks or more
before your submission is reviewed by DMOZ, however this has no bearing on your
website appearing in the search engines as hand submission guarantees your website
will be appear within a short period of time (usually one month).
Search Engine submission service guarantees your website will be listed on the major
search engines, We will complete Search Engine submission service within 24 hours
as soon as we received your order.
$40 for
the Search Engine Submission Service
SEO (Search Engine Optimisation Report)
Would you like your website to appear high in the search engines for words related
to your business? Do you know that by doing a proper SEO to your website, your website
can appear on top of the result just like what your competitor does?.
Purchase this report and we will guarantee your search engine position will be increase
or you will get FULL MONEY REFUND. That is how sure we have on our Report.
A SEO expert
will analyse your website and provide you with a comprehensive assessment and how-to
report on achieving rankings for your desired keywords. In consultation with you,
our experts will research up to five keywords relevant to your business. Your Search
Research analysis looks at: * keyword research * on-page factors such as meta tags,
content, and images * linking * redirects * structural issues. Our SEO Report will
improve your search engine rankings and give you a better understanding of what
is involved in the search engine optimisation of your website.
A SEO Report takes one weeks to complete. Once you have implemented the changes
outlined in the SEO Report, you will notice that your website rangkings will be increase.
If you do not notice any changes in your report, simply contact us and we will refund all your money.
$150 for
the SEO Reports